We’re not quite sure how it happened, but Colin ended up scraping/bruising the crook of his elbow. We think it’s from him trying to reach between the bars of his crib to touch the clock radio we have on the end of the couch in his room, but aren’t quite sure. Regardless, it got relatively bad so we slapped some Neosporin on it and covered it up. He’s fine now.
The bandage is a little out of proportion for him, but we needed something that would stay on. It’s the same size as one of the ones you would use to cover up a large scrape on your knee. Personally, the first time Kindra put it on him, I thought he looked tough - like he was wearing an elbow pad. Heh.
Oh, and to point out the one you guys didn’t catch, he has a band-aid on his left ankle because he’s had an usual case of eczema that gets irritated and cracked for a long time. We’ve asked our pediatrician about it, but she insists it’s just eczema, but we’ve been treating it with Neosporin. We’ll be consulting another doctor soon about it.
* * *
In other more amusing Colin news, he hasn’t picked up that much sign language as of yet, but he has developed his own sign over the last couple of weeks. If he’s going to do something that he shouldn’t be doing, and you call to him to tell him “no,” he’ll look at you, hold out his hand palm up and wave it back-and-forth. It’s his acknowledgement that he knows you’re telling him to stop doing what he’s doing, but most of the time he just does his little judo-chop/pseudo-wave, and then returns to what he was doing.
Glad little buddy is okay, good idea to get another opinion on his ankle rash. Are you going to a dermatologist?
Might have to take it up another notch and use hydrocortizone or something better. Natalie has been having this recurring rash on her ankle and we had to use a lighter bath soap, and something called Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment. It went away for a while but it's starting to come back.
I still say his left foot looks fatter then the other one like it is swollen or something?
His foot is NOT swollen - it's a matter of the perspective in the picture.
We've also tried hydrocortizone, but he's got patches on his arm and upper left thigh as well. Those ones just aren't as bad.
When we say "2nd opinion," we mean my sister Steph, who then asks around.
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