Fortunately, we had an appointment scheduled for Colin yesterday, so we took them both in to get them looked at. We have a new prescription for a stronger antibiotic, so hopefully that will knock the darn thing out.
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Colin had his regular check-up yesterday as well, measuring in at 29¼ inches and 20 pounds, 6 ounces (rough estimate, since he wouldn’t sit still on the scale). He’s on the big side for his age (barely), which is a bit surprising, though Danica was the same way. As for his weight, he’s leaned out a little and so is on the low side.
His weight drop is most likely due to the fact that he doesn’t eat baby food anymore. Ever since he got a taste of “real” food, he won’t eat the baby stuff anymore. Danica was exactly the same way. *sigh*
The Boy’s picked up some tricks over the past couple of weeks. He waves at pretty much everybody, will clap when you tell him, “Good job!”, and has learned to throw his hands up over his head when you tell him he’s “soooo big!” His mobility’s increased as well – though he still tends to do the worm to get around, he’s picked up actual crawling in the past week or so, and will pull himself up on the couch and scoot around.
He’s really into exploring new things, which is a nice way of saying that he doesn’t like to play with his toys for very long by himself. He’ll usually end up crawling out of the living room area and down our hallway or into our kitchen to see what’s going on. However, it is fun to see him try to put Lego blocks together or see how things fit inside other things. It’s also a nuisance to have him poking around with the DVD player all the time. At least he isn’t into the DVD boxes like Danica was.
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your doc reminds me of mom. i think you've said that before. and i spy eczema in the boy's elbox crease... see, i AM learning something at CHOP.
just a couple of months and it will go quickly - should start packing unused items away now :)
I didn't know you guys were building??? I'm going to be excited for you! :)
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