Monday, October 20, 2008

The Long Weekend...

…but not the good kind.

Though it was the standard two-day weekend, it felt like a long one, but only because our little fam spent the weekend with our first four-person family illness. Short story longer:

Mom fell ill on Wendesday of last week and took half the day off. Dealt with vomiting, fever, headache and other various symptoms that afternoon and early evening, but was over most of the serious symptoms that night. Dad spent the evening trying to handle things on his own to some measure of success. Everybody was home Thursday, with Mom still feeling ill and Dad trying to keep a lid on everything.

Things returned to “normal” on Friday, with Mom taking the kids to daycare while heading to a half-day at work (full day, but school assembly in the afternoon). Dad went to work as well, but with some kind of nerve issue in his right trap and deltoid that still lingers, most likely from sleeping in The Girl’s bed the night before. Later that evening, Dad starts to get a runny nose and headache, which evolves into full-blown “not feeling well” on Saturday, thus leaving Mom to try and hold everything together.

The parents spend Saturday completely lethargic while the kiddies begin to nurse congestion and coughing. However, said congestion and coughing fails to slow them down one bit (much to the chagrin of their father). Saturday melts into Sunday and both Mom AND Dad feel either the same or worse, while said kids’ congestion and coughing continues to fail to slow them down one bit.

Sunday passes with both parents feeling moderately better, Dad having slept while Mom took care of business somehow (amazing, isn’t she?). The children have to sleep apart, what with the coughing and waking each other up and what not. The Girl sleeps in her bed, while The Boy spends the night in his swing because lying on his back causes mucus to build up, thus causing him to wake up.

Monday was rough on The Boy, not eating very much and sleeping fitfully, while The Girl is still undaunted. Unfortunately, both coughs persist. We shall see what Tuesday brings…

And before you all go nuts with worry, we’ve added a warm Vicks humidifier to their room, bought nasal drops and cough medicine, and are giving juice to The Girl. We’ll be fine. Eventually. However, lost in all of this is the lack of sleep for Mom, who is valiantly struggling through handling her three children. Poor girl. Somebody send her a spa day.


Anonymous said...

say where and she is there :)
mom knows how she feels :)

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone feels better soon!

a mindless zombie said...

Aren't moms/wives awesome?

Copeland Five said...

awww...i know i know...soon and very soon we can go to the spa together and go out for family outings together and it will be huge fun! right? 6 kids will be gynormous fun! more fun than we ever had in college! we will get a lot of talking in and once in awhile we will hear a child make a noise and glance in their direction only to find them all sitting quietly in a circle talking of yesterdays lunch.