Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Danica Stories of the Week

As typical, Danica woke up and came out of her room last night/this morning around 12:30 a.m. I happened to be out in the living room, so I quickly scooped her up and went back into her room with her. I laid down in the bed with her and she fiddled around like she normally does – adjusting and readjusting her blankie and position (kinda like a dog making its bed).

She asked for some more water, so I told her to wait while I filled up her cup and then left the room. Of course, she started crying, and when I came back, she wanted to cuddle up (a.k.a. “Mommy/Daddy bao-bao”*). She was still sobbing a little when she said the saddest little thing:

“Daddy… don’t leave me.”


*Tear in eye*

Of course, that’s now become her new bedtime trick, to keep us in her room with her longer. This does not bode well for the future.

* * *

More select Danica lines, relayed by Mom:

While watching Mom trim her bangs: “Mommy’s hair broken?”

Bedtime conversation:

Mom: “Mommy loves you.”

Danica: “Mommy love me?”

M: “Yes.”

D: “Daddy love me?”

M: “Yes.”

D: “Blankie love me?”

M: “Yes.”

D: “I love blankie.”

After hearing our daycare provider, Jessie, say something about her husband, Dave: “No! Coley’s Daddy!” (For those of you not in the know, Coley = Nicole, Kindra’s cousin who came out to help us when Colin was born. David is Nicole’s father and Kindra’s uncle, who Danica only referred to as “Coley’s Daddy” while we were in Iowa this summer).

I would’ve put this one in its own separate blog entry, but I’m hoping it’ll be buried here… Danica strapped herself into her old “magic chair” (vibrating baby chair) and then tried to stand up a little while later, forgetting she was strapped in. She ended up on the floor, face down, with her chair strapped to her butt. Kindra asked her, “Need help, genius?”, unstrapped The Girl, and righted the chair. Danica promptly sat back down in the chair, shook her head, and proclaimed, “I no genius.” Um… yeah.

* – In case you’re wondering, “bao-bao” in Mandarin means “to hold.”

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