Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My girl had her first phone conversation with me today. Mom dialed me up on my way home to let The Girl tell me they were cooking together. Danica actually responded to the questions I asked her (a lot of "yeah"), and told me good-bye when we were done speaking. It was really cute and unexpected. Usually, she doesn’t say a thing on the phone.

And as cute as that was, it was WAY cuter when Kindra had Danica “read” tonight when they were getting ready for bed. The Girl loves the book I’ll Teach My Dog a Lot of Words, which she has us read constantly. I’d read the book to her before and had her tell me what was going on in all the pictures, but it was so much sweeter when Kindra read lines and Danica finished them.

*Sigh* She’s becoming a little girl so fast. Where's my baby?

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